Toilet and Bathing Rooms
Clean toilets and bathing rooms are provided to the students in the ratio of 1:3.This ensures that there is no confusion during rush hours. With a maintenance department in the school ensures that the health and hygiene of the student is of primary importance. Bathing rooms have fitted with geysers so that students can avail of hot water facility during the winters.
Pastoral Care
Each student will have one tutor to take care of the pastoral needs of the students. This includes waking up in the morning, exercise and yoga, getting ready for school, taking meals, evening studies, compulsory evening games etc. Separate wardens –one male and one female are overall in charge of the boys and girls hostel. Everything is from administration to maintenance the laundry services come under the jurisdiction of the hostel wardens.
Medical Health and Facilities
There is a full time infirmary in the school to look after the medical needs of the students. Besides there is a regular Doctor in the campus. While the doctor conducts the routine check-up of the students and maintain the health card of the students. This is to ensure that the health of the students is constantly on our radar.
Meeting With Parents/Local Guardian
Under normal conditions parents are allowed to meet their wards on all second Sundays of the month. Local Guardians are however allowed to meet their wards every Sunday except the second Sunday. Parents and guardian are allowed to give their wards light snacks like cookies etc. However junk/fast food of any kind is strictly prohibited in the campus.